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Updated 03/30/1999 |
NOTICE:To be added to the CGCA Cybercast News Mail list please send your request to mailto:dand@ixi.net (Dan Deininger). Subj: Cybercast News, March 30th, 1999 Date: 3/30/99 1:40:28 PM Pacific Standard Time From: dand@ixi.net (Dan Deininger) ***** This message may be forwarded or shared. ***** Spring Holy Days Greetings to ALL! Tonite is the Passover. As I write Val is upstairs doing the last minute cleaning and preparing the home for Passover services. Although there will only be a few here with us (6 or 7 total) in Helena for the actual service we will be both cybercasting the service over the internet and providing a telephone hookup to Great Falls (another 6 people). After much effort last week, last night, and this morning we were able to successfully establish a cybercast connection with a family in BILLINGS using NETZERO - a free internet service. This will enable 4 of our brethren there to connect for the Passover service! It was such a joyeous occasion this morning when we finally "got them connected"! It seemed our Adversary put up SO MANY HURDLES!!! But with God's help we were able to help someone who had not previously used the internet at all install the software, get connected, get the REALplayer software downloaded and installed, and finally get it all working together and actually connect to the live test feed I was cybercasting. (And this was all done via telephone!) The connection to the Passover service will be via the UCG Montana Web site http://ucg-mt.org The cybercast will commence around 7 pm MOUNTAIN time zone, with the actual service starting at 7:30 PM MOUNTAIN time. Passover is the most solemn evening of the year. It is observed in the memory of Christ's suffering and death. The service is for baptised adults. Prior to the Passover service beginning.. please have a small portion of red wine poured for each participant and a small portion of unleavened bread for each participant. (Cover the wine and unleavened bread with white napkins until it is called for in the service.) I would also request that those who do participate in the cybercast Passover service PLEASE send me an email message letting me know how many participated at your location. Send the message to mailto:dand@ixi.net. FIRST DAY OF UNLEAVENED BREAD CYBERCAST! Spokane will be cybercasting services the first day of unleavened bread. The time will be at 2 pm PACIFIC time zone, Thursday April 1st. Connect via the Spokane Web site http://ucg-spokane.org. As of this morning they still were not sure if they would have a phone line to use at the feast day location. However, they said if they have to do it via cell phone, they will! With Spokane Cybercasting the first day and Helena the last day and Passover, we now have cybercast coverage for the entire Spring Holy Day season. Again, I wish you all a meaningful Passover and joyeous Days of Unleavend Bread. May God bless you all where ever you are during this special time. Warm Regards, Dan Deininger Subj: CGCA Cybercast News for March 27, 99 Date: 3/26/99 9:27:39 PM Pacific Standard Time From: dand@ixi.net (Dan Deininger) Greetings all! This Sabbath there will be three services cybercast: Lafayette, Indiana at 10:30 am EasternFor more details please check the http://cgca.net cybercast page. That page also lists the equivalent times for other time zones. (Connection information is also available on http://ucg-mt.org) Spring Holyday services: Passover services will be cybercast from Helena at 7:30 pm Mountain Tuesday, March 30th. Connect via the UCG Montana web site http://ucg-mt.org. Remember, during the Passover service the bread and wine should only be taken by baptised members of the Church. Please prepare ahead of time by having red wine and unleavened bread ready for the service. We have no cybercast scheduled for the first day of Unleavened Bread. If that changes we will let you know, but at present the usual congregations that cybercast will be a facilities without phone connections. The last day of Unleavened Bread, April 7th, we will be cybercasting services from Helena. Services will be at 10 am and 2 pm Mountain. Those of us in Montana wish you all a restful Sabbath, and a meaningful Passover and Days of Unleavened Bread. Warm Regards, Dan Subj: CGCA Cybercast UPdate For March 20 Date: 3/19/99 9:48:35 PM Pacific Standard Time From: dand@ixi.net (Dan Deininger) Greetings! This week there will be two UCG services cybercast: Lafayette and Spokane. Below is information on the Lafayette service. I also understand Glen White will be the speaker in Spokane. I will be in Great Falls... and we are not able to cybercast from there. For links to the services and times please go to the cybercast page on http://cgca.net. I hope you all have an enjoyable and restful Sabbath. Warm Regards, Dan -----Original Message----- From: Dr. Anthony J. Pacelli [mailto:drp@pop.nlci.com] Sent: Wednesday, March 17, 1999 9:56 PM Subject: Cybercast UPdate For March 20 UCG Lafayette, IN cybercasting live at 10:30 AM EST (1530 UTC) Saturday, March 20 - Click here Messages by Guy Swenson, Mike Grovak and Victor Kubik about the Exodus, Passover and Unleavened Bread. Be sure to join us live. We had 38 connections last week! Subj: UCGWEBS: CGCA internet seminar Date: 3/5/99 9:45:18 PM Pacific Standard Time From: dand@ixi.net (Dan Deininger) hello all! just a reminder that tomorrow, March 6, we will be cybercasting services from the UCG elders conference in Cincinnati at 1 pm (Vic Kubik & Leon Walker) and the Internet Seminar from 6:30 to 8:30 pm. -- these times are EASTERN time zone. To link to them go to the cgca.net web site cybercast page. The services will be archived on the Spokane UCG site (www.ucg-spokane.org) site for those who want to download them for later playback.. right after services are over and the file is uploaded. Hope you all have a good Sabbath! Dan Subj: CGCA & Cybercast News 2/26/99 Date: 2/26/99 9:07:25 PM Pacific Standard Time From: dand@ixi.net (Dan Deininger) **** This may be forwarded. **** CGCA & Cybercast News.. February 26th, 1999 Greetings! Another week has flown by! Here it is Friday nite and I need to get the schedule sent out.. and my web site updated! Schedule for Sabbath, February 27th: Lafayette, 10:30am EASTERN, connect thru http://ucg-mt.org site. Speaker: Vic Kubik, sermonette re his trip to Eastern Europe/Ukraine. For the Victor Kubik begins on the Spring Holy Days with Days of Unleavened Bread and how it relates to us in our life. His sermon this week is entitled "The Meaning Of Leaven". I expect Lafayette will continue with the Q&A format afterwards as well. Helena, 12 noon MOUNTAIN, connect thru http://ucg-mt.org site. Speaker: Glen White on the pre Passover topic of Reconciliation. We will also respond to any questions that come in on the sermon topic immediately following services. Spokane, 1:30 PACIFIC, connect thru http://ucg-spokane.org. I don't have the topic, altho I suspect the speaker will be Mark Mickelson. Next week... we'll be cybercasting from Cincinnati at 1:00 Eastern. We will also be cybercasting the Internet Seminar from 6:30-8:30pm. Will be sending more details before I leave on Thursday. Till later... Dan ***** this may be forwarded ***** Churches of God Cyber Auxiliary & Cybercast News February 18, 1999 ===================================================== Topics: Last Week's Cybercast Lafayette's Q & A Online Teen Bible Study This Week's Schedule Lafayette Spokane Next Week's Schedule Lafayette Helena Spokane CGCA Meeting Last Week Cincinnati (UCG) Services March 6th CGCA Internet Seminar March 6th in Cincinnati ===================================================== Greetings! I hope this email message finds you all doing well. In Montana we have been having some nicer weather.. and I am happy to be on the downhill side of winter. Last weekend we were blessed with good roads to Spokane for the UCG Teen Weekend. ***LAST WEEKEND... While in Spokane we listened to the Cybercast from Lafayette and the follow up question and answer session by Guy Swenson. It was excellent! For those of you who missed it, they are going to be doing it again this weekend. Special reconition goes to the Lafayette cybercast team & Guy Swenson who came in early to cybercast at their regular 10:30 am Eastern Time Zone slot.. when their regular services were held at 2:30 last Sabbath. Last Sabbath Lafayette cybercast via a local internet connection back to the CGCA server in Helena.. whereas in times past they cybercast directly to the server. That is the reason for the increased net congestion last week. This week they will again be cybercasting directly to the server. In Spokane we cybercast the interactive youth bible study as well as the services that afternoon. It was a pleasure to work with Allen Hirst again on the cybercast.. our first together since the feast in Kelowna. It was a new experience for me to cybercast an interactive session. From reports we heard, those that tuned in really enjoyed it and suggested we do something like that for the adults. The teens REALLY were responsive and seemed to enjoy the topic of building relationships. I think the cybercast archive is available via the http://ucg-spokane.org web site if you's like to check it out, along with both sermon messages. The weekend was a tremendous success. The teens we took from Montana had a wonderful time! On Saturday evening during the dance we were also able to have a CGCA meeting and discuss growth of the cybercast and the services CGCA is offering. It was a special opportunity to get input from a number of individuals who are interested in what we are doing and have some knowledge of the internet. Based on the input received at this meeting, CGCA will continue to provide cybercasting services and strive to provide the streams needed as the demand grows. More information on how we plan to accomplish this (subject to God's guidance and direction) will soon be posted on the http:cgca.net web site. ***THIS SABBATH...(February 20th) Lafayette is going to cybercast the second part of Guy Swenson's series on conflict resolution by addressing some common impediments to communication that conflict creates. He also shows how staying on your own "emotional turf" is an important part of eliminating conflict and promoting understanding. As last week, Guy will take questions via email, chat, or phone call immediately after services.. and the answers will be cybercast. This really does make the cybercast much more interactive! Lafayette asked that I forward that there are three ways to ask questions, 1. mailto:gswenson@7words.com 2. http://www.7words.com/ucg/entrance.html 3. (765)447-1111 (NEW-Telephone Line) As in the past you can link to the Lafayette service via http://ucg-mt.org or http://cgca.net . In the near future you will be able to access their cybercast thru the Lafayette site. The time will be 10:30 am Eastern Standard. Also this Sabbath Spokane will be cybercasting at 1:30 pm Pacific. The Spokane cybercast can be heard via the http://ucg-spokane.org . More information should be available on the Spokane site. ***Next Sabbath... (February 27th) Lafayette with Vic Kubik back from Europe. (should be interesting!) Helena with Glen White Spokane with Mark Mickelson ***Sabbath of March 6th God willing all will go well and I will be able to cybercast from services at the Holiday Inn Eastgate in Cincinnati. UCG is going to provide a phone hookup for all congregations that want it. (I heartily recommend this option for congregations - I want to provide the cybercast connection to as many of our "regular" cyber listeners as possible.) But I have also heard that some congregation want to pick up the services via the cybercast or from an archived file of the cybercast. Please let me know if you plan on tuning in to the cybercast from Cincinnati that day. Also please pray that God will be with us and help us provide a good, steady, clear, audio stream that Sabbath with no net congestion. ***CGCA Internet Seminar March 6th in Cincinnati The UCG Council of Elders gave permission for me/CGCA to hold a seminar Saturday Evening, March 6th, in Cincinnati. (We did not want to schedule a seminar if it would be in direct conflict with any official UCG GCE activity.) As a non official activity (of the UCG GCE Conference) the seminar is open to any who would like to attend. The seminar will begin shortly after sunset and last for two hours.. maybe more. (We don't want to make it too late of a night for those who may need to travel a distance to get back home that night.) The emphasis on the seminar is on how the internet is being used to spread the gospel. The first portion will include reports from a number of individuals who have been using the internet. The second will be a panel discussion and questions and answers, and the third will be more technical information on how things are done. The tentative speakers are: Richard Kennebeck (UCG Home Office on the move from CC:mail to Internet Mail and the Home Office's Internet connectivity), Peter Eddington (UCG MultiMedia Manager on the Home Office Web Site and plans for it, potential links to local congregations, policy, etc.), Mitch Knapp (UCG St.Paul and the success of a local congregation web site), Tony Pacelli (Lafayette on the experiences and joys of cybercasting), Vic Kubik (on the effectiveness of the internet in reaching people ...and anything else he wants to add), and myself moderating the seminar and also discussing cybercasting, indexing sites, and linking articles scriptures to the an online bible. This seminar will be much broader than the presentation on cybercasting I will be giving on Monday during a breakout session. If you are close to Cincinnati, if it is possible for you to be there, I think we will be providing some good information. (For those of you who are not close to Cincinnati, we plan on cybercasting the seminar. Please let me know if you plan on being at the seminar or if you are interested in listening via the cybercast. It will be a special treat to meet some of you who I have only before known by email. *** Time to "sign off" I see that I started this on Thursday.. and it is now Friday morning. I think I have covered everything I planned to. This was a little longer than most, but I hope you enjoyed it. Till next time! Your cyber friend, Dan Deininger Helena, Montana Click here For previous issues of CGCA Cybercast News.