United Church of God, Chicago, IL
Bible Studies & Series Sermons

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DateSpeakerTitle / SubjectLength (Mins)MP3 LinkMisc
Bible Study: Letters of John
08/01/09 Fahey, R. E. 1 John 1 (Part 1) 49 Listen/Download
11/07/09 Fahey, R. E. 1 John 1 (Part 2) 47 Listen/Download
12/05/09 Fahey, R. E. 1 John 2 (Part 1) 52 Listen/Download
01/02/10 Fahey, R. E. 1 John 2 (Part 2) 54 Listen/Download
02/06/10 Fahey, R. E. 1 John 2 (Part 3) 59 Listen/Download
05/08/10 Fahey, R. E. 1 John 3 (Part 1) 55 Listen/Download
06/05/10 Fahey, R. E. 1 John 3 (Part 2) 55 Listen/Download
07/10/10 Fahey, R. E. 1 John 4 (Part 1) 60 Listen/Download
08/07/10 Fahey, R. E. 1 John 4 (Part 2) 61 Listen/Download
10/02/10 Fahey, R. E. 1 John 4 (Part 3) and 1 John 5 (Part 1) 60 Listen/Download
11/06/10 Fahey, R. E. 1 John 5 (Part 2) 61 Listen/Download Split Sermon
12/04/10 Fahey, R. E. 1 John 5 (Part 3) 53 Listen/Download 1 John All-Inclusive Statements
(PDF file)
01/15/11 Fahey, R. E. 2nd John 54 Listen/Download
02/05/11 Fahey, R. E. 3rd John 45 Listen/Download
Bible Study: Habakkuk
12/06/08 Fahey, R. E. Habakkuk (Part 1) 55 Listen/Download
01/03/09 Fahey, R. E. Habakkuk (Part 2) 46 Listen/Download
02/14/09 Fahey, R. E. Habakkuk (Part 3) 56 Listen/Download
03/07/09 Fahey, R. E. Habakkuk (Part 4) 53 Listen/Download
Bible Study: James
10/06/07 Fahey, R. E. Intro to James 54 Listen/Download
12/29/07 Fahey, R. E. James 1 (Part 1) 56 Listen/Download
01/05/08 Fahey, R. E. James 1 (Part 2) 56 Listen/Download
02/02/08 Fahey, R. E. James 2 (Part 1) 43 Listen/Download
03/08/08 Fahey, R. E. James 2 (Part 2) 41 Listen/Download
05/03/08 Fahey, R. E. James 3 (Part 1) 62 Listen/Download
07/05/08 Fahey, R. E. James 3 (Part 2) 54 Listen/Download
08/02/08 Fahey, R. E. James 4 49 Listen/Download
09/06/08 Fahey, R. E. James 5 (Part 1) 58 Listen/Download
11/01/08 Fahey, R. E. James 5 (Part 2) 48 Listen/Download
12/31/11 Fahey, R. E. The Book of Jonah! 53 Listen/Download
06/06/09 Fahey, R. E. Bible Study: Jude 61 Listen/Download
03/05/11 Fahey, R. E. The Book of Jude 60 Listen/Download
12/30/06 Bradford, Bill Turkey and the Seven Churches of Revelation 56 Listen/Download
Child Rearing
06/19/10 Fahey, R. E. Child Rearing Part 1: Unity at the Top 49 Listen/Download
06/26/10 Fahey, R. E. Child Rearing Part 2: Understand the Responsibility 56 Listen/Download
07/17/10 Fahey, R. E. Child Rearing Part 3: The Spirit in Man 51 Listen/Download
10/16/10 Fahey, R. E. Child Rearing Part 4: Applying The Spirit in Man 49 Listen/Download
11/20/10 Fahey, R. E. Child Rearing Part 5: Practical Application 49 Listen/Download
Deceptive Doctrines
07/16/11 Fahey, R. E. Deceptive Doctrines: The Immortal Soul 55 Listen/Download
07/23/11 Fahey, R. E. Deceptive Doctrines: The Church is the Kingdom 54 Listen/Download
11/19/11 Fahey, R. E. Deceptive Doctrines: The Doctrine of the Trinity 50 Listen/Download
God Must Reveal
12/17/05 Fahey, R. E. God Must Reveal (Part 1) 68 Listen/Download
07/15/06 Fahey, R. E. God Must Reveal (Part 2) 48 Listen/Download
07/29/06 Fahey, R. E. God Must Reveal (Part 3) 49 Listen/Download
Understanding the Kingdom of God: Parables of Matthew 13
01/16/10 Fahey, R. E. The Parables of Matthew 13 (Part 1) 54 Listen/Download
02/20/10 Fahey, R. E. The Parables of Matthew 13 (Part 2) 53 Listen/Download
Bible Study: Sermon on the Mount
04/02/11 Fahey, R. E. Sermon on the Mount: Matthew 5:1-5 51 Listen/Download
05/07/11 Fahey, R. E. Sermon on the Mount: Matthew 5:6-12 59 Listen/Download
06/11/11 Fahey, R. E. Sermon on the Mount: Matthew 5:13-16 47 Listen/Download
07/02/11 Fahey, R. E. Sermon on the Mount: Matthew 5:17-20 46 Listen/Download
08/06/11 Fahey, R. E. Sermon on the Mount: Matthew 5:21-30 47 Listen/Download
09/03/11 Fahey, R. E. Sermon on the Mount: Matthew 5:31-48 47 Listen/Download
11/05/11 Fahey, R. E. Sermon on the Mount: Matthew 6:1-8 46 Listen/Download
12/03/11 Fahey, R. E. Sermon on the Mount: Matthew 6:9-13 75 Listen/Download
01/07/12 Fahey, R. E. Sermon on the Mount: Matthew 6:14-34 48 Listen/Download
02/04/12 Fahey, R. E. Sermon on the Mount: Matthew 7:1-6 53 Listen/Download
03/03/12 Fahey, R. E. Sermon on the Mount: Matthew 7:7-20 49 Listen/Download
06/02/12 Fahey, R. E. Sermon on the Mount: Matthew 7:15-29 54 Listen/Download
Bible Study: 1 Thessalonians
07/07/12 Fahey, R. E. 1 Thessalonians 1:1-4 61 Listen/Download
08/04/12 Fahey, R. E. 1 Thessalonians 1:5-10 55 Listen/Download
09/01/12 Fahey, R. E. 1 Thessalonians 2:1-8 55 Listen/Download
10/13/12 Fahey, R. E. 1 Thessalonians 2:9-20 54 Listen/Download
11/03/12 Fahey, R. E. 1 Thessalonians 3 50 Listen/Download
12/01/12 Fahey, R. E. 1 Thessalonians 4:1-7 53 Listen/Download
12/01/12 Fahey, R. E. 1 Thessalonians 4:1-7 53 Listen/Download
01/05/13 Fahey, R. E. 1 Thessalonians 4:4-11 61 Listen/Download
02/02/13 Fahey, R. E. 1 Thessalonians 4:11-18 61 Listen/Download
04/06/13 Fahey, R. E. 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11 55 Listen/Download
07/06/13 Fahey, R. E. 1 Thessalonians 5:12-28 62 Listen/Download
The Kingdom of God
07/18/09 Fahey, R. E. Understanding the Kingdom of God: Part 1 56 Listen/Download
08/15/09 Fahey, R. E. Understanding the Kingdom of God: Part 2 (Prophecied and Proclaimed) 50 Listen/Download
10/31/09 Fahey, R. E. Understanding the Kingdom of God: Part 3 (Jesus Introduces Eternal Life) 59 Listen/Download
11/21/09 Fahey, R. E. How Are We to Respond to the Gospel of the Kingdom of God? 56 Listen/Download
02/25/06 Fahey, R. E. The Teacher 63 Listen/Download
There's a Guy Hiding in Proverbs 31!
03/29/08 Fahey, R. E. There's a Guy Hiding in Proverbs 31! 55 Listen/Download ** By Special Request

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