HOTELS: There are several hotels and motels in the area. Please note that since our activity is not large, we have not reserved nor blocked out any rooms with hotels in the area. Please call the hotels directly to get their current rates and availability. Below are a few to choose from but there are many other options.

Candlewood Suites, 10720 Pacific Hwy SW., Lakewood, WA. 98499.
Towneplace SuitesMarriot, 11725 Pacific Hwy SW., Lakewood, WA. 98499.
Hampton Inn & Suites by Hilton, 8203 Hosmer St., Tacoma, WA. 98408.
Holiday Inn Express & Suites, 11751 Pacific Hwy SW., Lakewood, WA. 98499.
HOUSING WITH BRETHREN: A few local members are able to host visitors. Space is limited, but if you would like to try to arrange to stay with a local member, please visit our Housing Information link below. This page will provide contact information and availability. Any questions, please contact the Housing Coordinator.

Housing Information


Please contact Mary Jo Rydholm below.

Questions: contact Mary Jo Rydholm (360-754-8473 / mjrydmus@yahoo.com).

SATURDAY - Sabbath
Location: Gray Middle School, 6229 S. Tyler St., Tacoma, WA. 98409.
9:00 AM -- building opens for setup.
10:30-12:00 PM -- Sabbath Bible Study by Rex Sexton.
12:30-1:30 PM -- Lunch break. Lunch will be provided. A donation would help to defray the costs.
2:30-4:30 PM -- Sabbath Services - Split Sermons by Mr. Rob Slocum and Roc Corbett.
5:00-6:30 PM -- Dinner. Will be provided. Donations accepted.
7:00-9:00 PM -- Family Talent Show. Please contact Mr. Tony Rowe (rowebe@msn.com) if you wish to perform.
9:00-10:00 PM -- Fellowship & Cleanup.

Enjoy an evening of joy and laughter with lots of family and friends.

Other, planned activities for the evening:

  • LEGO Exhibition Invitational for all ages. Only finished projects, please, ready to display. In the pre-teen category, there will be prizes and everyone gets to help choose the winners.

Activities will conclude and we will need to be out of the building by 10:00 PM. Any help with cleanup would be greatly appreciated. Thank you all...

Donations to help cover the costs are appreciated. A suggested donation is $8.00 per person and maybe a little extra to help others. Donations may be given after sunset that Sabbath or mailed in advance to: P.O. Box 25423, Federal Way, WA. 98093. Thank you...

SUNDAY - Activities
Location: Gray Middle School, 6229 S. Tyler St., Tacoma, WA. 98409.
Building opens @ 10:00 AM.

Family Sports & Games in two gyms. Activities for the entire family. Concessions will be available for purchase.

Activities will conclude and we will need to be cleaned up and out of the building by 4:00 PM. Thank you.

Activities may not yet be finalized. Please check back often.

Please fill out the form below so we can get an idea of how many will be attending and for activities which would help us out considerably for planning and cost purposes. Thank you...
Number of Adults:
Number of Young Adults:
Number of Teens:
Number of Kids:
Do you need housing with brethren, if it is available?
Yes (Leave unchecked if No)
*Attending Sunday's Activities?
Yes (Leave unchecked if No)
# of Men/Boys attending Sunday's Activities:
# of Women/Girls attending Sunday's Activities:
*Required Please
CONTACT Information

Below are the person/focal that can be of assistance. Thank you...

Contact Name
Contact Info
Roberto Parada
Event Coordinator
Barbara Parada
Volunteer Coordinator
Bill Dyson
Ron Goethals
Heidi Wetmore
Housing Coordinator
Eric Johnson
Web site/Lost & Found
We are looking for a few volunteers. We would like to make the Tacoma Family Weekend (TFW) a safe, enjoyable and memorable occasion. Anyone with medical, CPR, RN and/or First AID certifications that would like to volunteer to assist in case of an emergency; please contact Roberto Parada or Barbara Parada.
Below are links to Google Maps which will open in a new, popup window. If you have popups blocked on your browser, please right-click on the link and select "open".

Map Link

Click here to view a graphical map to Gray Middle School in Tacoma. You can also click on the image to the left to pull up a Google Map link to get directions. This is where services and activities are being planned to be held.
This section will list any lost-and-found items after the Family Weekend. Please see the contact section above who to contact for Lost & Found items.

Please Note: items are held only for 30-days after the event then reserve the right to do whatever deemed appropriate. There are plans to have a tub or box for lost-n-found items at the school. Please be sure your items are labeled with your name. Thank you...