Daily Updates


DATELINE BEND, Tuesday, October 17, 2000
We think that we have solved the audio feed problem we were experiencing.  We had to change the audio card in the main computer we are using to cybercast.  We also now are getting a stronger feed from Chip Chuprinko and the audio crew.  Thanks to those who have offered up prayers on behalf the cybercast and overcoming the technical hurdles we have faced.

Yesterday Allen Hirst uploaded the first archive files and they can be found on the Sermon Archive page.  We hope you are enjoying the cybercast. We appreciate this opportunity to serve you.

DATELINE BEND, Sabbath, October 14, 2000
Last night we found out after services that our audio feed is not clean and clear and we are working to get that resolved. We appreciate you patience....


DATELINE BEND, Friday, October 13, 2000
The services will begin at 7:30 pm Pacific. The first event will be a music fanfair that will introduce the Bend Feast Choir. Once on stage the choir will be singing a selection BEFORE the congregational hymns setting the atmosphere for the first service. The song leader will be Glen White from Calgary. The first message will be from Larry Walker, Feast coordinator and pastor of the Bend UCG congregation.

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