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``Holding Fast"

Introductory scriptures:
Matthew 24:13-Because iniquity shall abound the love of many shall wax cold.
How does ``iniquity abound" today?
Why does this cause love to ``wax cold"?

Matthew 24:48-49 Warning not to think Christ delays his coming.
Is this what happens when one's love waxes cold?

Luke 18:1 - ..always to pray and not faint:
What does it mean, ``not to faint"?

verse 8 -..when the Son of Man comes, shall he find faith on the earth?
What kind of faith does Christ want to see when he returns?

Matthew 24:11 indicates false prophets will have a role in this.
What is the correlation between their deceiving people and people's love waxing cold?

II Corinthians 11:3-4, 13-15 false prophets..
Does it seem that at the end time people will become more tolerant of false teachings?

Revelation 3:11 warning to HOLD FAST that no man take your crown.

Colossians 1:23 - continue in the faith (!) and be NOT moved away from the hope of the gospel which you have heard.
Does this mean we should keep our eyes on the goal (the gospel of the kingdom of God)... and not get overly focused on the mistakes or iniquity of others?

Colossians 2:18 - warning to let no man beguile you.

What are other scriptures that talk about this problem?

How can we encourage one another to HOLD FAST?

How should we deal with someone who is not holding fast?

II Thessalonians 2:15 Stand fast and hold the traditions you have been taught.
II Thessalonians 3:15 Now we command you...that you withdraw from those who walk disorderly and NOT after the tradition received of us.
verse 14-15 don't treat as an enemy but admonish.

I Timothy 6:3-5 description of those who would like to teach a different way.
How does Satan do this in today's society? in schools? at work? in the entertainment? in what we read?

What about the aspect of pleasures and cares of this world & deceitfulness of riches choking the word as mentioned in
 Matthew 13:22? (Matthew 6:33 says seek the kingdom first and all those things will be added.)

II Timothy 1:13 Hold fast the form of sound words...

I Timothy 6:11-14, 20 Paul's words of encouragement to fight for what is good and to lay hold of eternal life.


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