November 20th's Topic... Lessons from New Testement Examples: Pitfalls to Avoid
In this Bible Study we will examine the examples of individuals who failed or made serious mistakes as
Christians and see what lessons we can learn.
In 2 Timothy 3:16 we see we can learn from examples in the bible..
Which individuals in the New Testement made some serious mistakes that we can can learn from? What lessons
can learn from them?
Here's a few examples to start with:
Judas (Matt 26:47-48) Pitfall? Lesson for us?
Demas (Philip 2:19-21, Philemon 23-24, Col 4:14, Gal 1:4) Pitfall? Lesson for us?
Diotrephes (3 John 9-10) Pitfall? Lesson for us?
Others we can learn from?
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