1. Email comments & questions are welcome.. but no guarantee that they will be read during the cybercast.
2. If you are in the chat room (#UCGBS) on AustNet IRC, please keep comments directly related to the subject of the cybercast. If you
want to speak to someone else in the chat room please do it in a ``private" session.
3. You may remain anonymous if you would like but information such as where you live, which church you attend, etc would be helpful and
4. During the cybercast please keep email messages sent to dand@ixi.net related to the cybercast.
5. Official length of the Bible Study is 1 1/2 hours. If we lose the our internet connection we will continue to try to get back online
till the time the study would end.
6. We welcome comments and topics for future Friday night interactive online Bible Studies.
7. We welcome comments and suggestions on how we can improve and better serve you.